Stick In The Wheel - English Folk Field Recordings Volume 2
Stick In The Wheel - English Folk Field Recordings Volume 2
A snapshot of the English folk scene right now - from seasoned professionals to folk club singers, everyone and valid. Recorded on location, in front rooms and kitchens with two pairs of microphones, capturing immediate, intimate, yet powerful and evocative performances. This is not the collecting of songs to fit a pre-determined view of what folk music "should" be - rather, an attempt at documenting of what it is - a continuum that thrives, flourishes and persists in this country.
From old Northumbrian kingdoms, through the Midlands, way over to the Welsh border, with an expanding set of experimental and traditional musicians interpreting the music that roots them, in their own unique ways. Songs and tunes reflecting everyday life in England: from racing pigeons to lost children, domestic violence to political street fighting. This is each artist's response to what From Here means to them, by way of identity or place, feeling or memory: "this is who I am, this is where I'm from".
Available on CD and Vinyl.
- Gan Tae The Kye / Peacock Followed The Hen
- The Sandgate Dandling Song
- Cottenham Medley
- The Almsgiver
- Ladle / Richmond
- Barbara Allen
- The King Of Rome
- Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy
- Two Lovely Black Eyes
- A Young Woman's Tale
- Nightingales
- Bonnie Pit Laddie / Lads Of Alnwick
- So Much To Defend
- Nancy Clough
- Poverty Knock
- Lord Lovell
- Lily
- Drink Old England Dry
- Can We Afford The Doctor
- Amazing Grace
Release date:
Artist: Stick In The Wheel
Title: English Folk Field Recordings Volume 2
Genre: Folk